Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam is a provincial-level Regional Special located in the Island of Sumatra and is the most western province in Indonesia. This region borders the Bay of Bengal in the north, Indian Ocean in the west, Strait of Malacca in the east, and North Sumatra in the southeast and south.
Aceh is the capital of Banda Aceh. The harbor is Malahayati-Krueng Raya, S, Lhokseumawe and Haverfordwest. Aceh was the worst area of the earthquake and tsunami of 26 December 2004. Some places in the coastal area devastated at all. What is the heaviest of Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Jaya, West Aceh Singkil and Simeulue.
Aceh has a wealth of natural resources such as oil and natural gas. Natural resources is located in North Aceh and East Aceh. Aceh also popular with the resources of forest, which is located along the Bukit Barisan range, from Kutacane, Aceh Tenggara, until Seulawah, Aceh Besar. A national park, namely Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL) also found in Aceh Tenggara.
aceh have saman dance, thats aceh traditional dance.

Aceh is the capital of Banda Aceh. The harbor is Malahayati-Krueng Raya, S, Lhokseumawe and Haverfordwest. Aceh was the worst area of the earthquake and tsunami of 26 December 2004. Some places in the coastal area devastated at all. What is the heaviest of Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Jaya, West Aceh Singkil and Simeulue.
Aceh has a wealth of natural resources such as oil and natural gas. Natural resources is located in North Aceh and East Aceh. Aceh also popular with the resources of forest, which is located along the Bukit Barisan range, from Kutacane, Aceh Tenggara, until Seulawah, Aceh Besar. A national park, namely Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL) also found in Aceh Tenggara.
aceh have saman dance, thats aceh traditional dance.